Other Publications


-Mahmoud Issa, 2003, ”Libanons Palæstinensere-et personligt tilbageblik”, in “Drømmen om Palæstina Flygtninge, Baggrund, Historie””, Dansk flygtningehjælp, PP 32-38.

-*Mahmoud Issa, 2003, “Historiography of the destroyed Palestinian village of Lubya”, Canada’s Periodical on Refugees, Vol. 21. No.2, PP 14-22.

  • Mahmoud Issa, 1996, “Palestinian Diaspora: Experiences and Testimonies” in Arabic, in “Samid al-Iqtisadi”18, no. 105, Jordan, PP 167-79. The reference was also mentioned in “Journal of Palestine Studies”, no.103, P.189.


-*Mahmoud Issa, 2013, “Mawsim al-Thalj al-Haar-Risala min Tabariyya”; “Season of Warm Snow-a letter from Tiberia”, novel in Arabic, based on oral testimonies of people in Lebanon and Jordan, Ramallah, Sakhir Research Centre, 248 pages.

-Mahmoud Issa, 2006, “The Palestinians Community in Denmark”, in Arabic & English; Horizental Studies Series, Palestine International Institute, 65 pages.

-*Mahmoud Issa, 2005, “Lubya var en landsby I Palæstina – Erindringer, Historie, kultur, Identitet”, “Lubya was a village in Palestine – Memory, History, Culture, Identity”, Tiderne Skifter, Denmark, 274 pages.

  • *Mahmoud Issa, 1995, “Dreams and Realities, Palestinians from Lubya in Denmark”, Copenhagen, Danish Refugee Council , 91 pages.
  • *Mahmoud Issa, 1995, “Involvement and Detachment in Joseph Conrad’s Fiction”, Copenhagen, Regnbue Tryk, 282 pages.

  • Mahmoud Issa, 1991, “Mushkilat al-Ta’leem al-Falastini” in Arabic; “Problems in the Palestinian Education System”, unpublished monograph, Beirut, Arabic University, 120 pages.

Book chapters

  • Mahmoud Issa, 2017, ”Religion & Memory in Exile- Character, Function & Role- Lubyans in Denmark”, in ”Dispora & Identity: The Case of Palestine”, Edited by Mitri Raheb. Amazon, P. 107.

Mahmoud Issa, 2009, “Fra Palæstina, Sharon og min svigermor, af Suad amiry”, in “Verdens Historier-en alternativ kanon”, “World History, an alternative canon”, Denmark, Jyldendal,  PP 83-109-

-*Mahmoud Issa, 2005, “The Nakba, Oral History and the Palestinian Peasantry: the Case of Lubya”; chapter in “Catastrophe Remembered: Palestine and Israel and the internal Refugees – Essays in Memory of Edward Said”, edited by Nur Masalha, London, Zed Books, PP 178-196.

-*Mahmoud Issa, 2001, “På tærsklen til fred”, “On the threshold to peace”, “The Palestinian refugee question”, & “future perspectives”, Copenhagen, Gyldendal,. PP 229-244 & PP 278-281.

-Mahmoud Issa, 1995, “Involvement and Detachment in Nostromo”, in “Conrad in Scandinavia”,  Colombia University Press, New York, PP 211-223

Main feature articles in Danish newspapers

Mahmoud Issa, februar 2012 “Fra orientalism til Islamism-frygtens mur er faldet”, Kronik i Kristeligt dagblad.

Mahmoud Issa & Trine Petro, juli 2008.”Kvoter er vejen frem for kvinder”: Kronik i Berlingske Tidende.

Mahmoud Issa, september, 2008, “Den arabiske kultur mellem modernitet og utopi”: Kronik i Information,.

Mahmoud Issa & Trine Petro, maj 2007.”Palæstina- En forsvunden stat”: Kronik i Politiken, sammen Trine Petro.

Mahmoud Issa, aug. 2006,”Magtens logik har besejret logikkens magt”: Kronik i Information.

Mahmoud Issa, juli 2006, “Lighed uden forbehold – Nøglen til udvikling i den Arabiske verden i Berlingske Tidende.

Mahmoud Issa, marts 2006,”Strået der brækkede kamelens ryg”, Information.

Mahmoud Issa & Nasir Khadir og Hanna Ziada, maj 2002,”Til Kamp mod jødehadet”, sammen med, Kronik i Politiken.

Mahmoud Issa, februar. 2001, “Kultur krise i den arabiske verden”, Kronik i Berlingske Tidende,.

Mahmoud Issa, nov. 2000, “Nødvendigheden af Europas engagement”, Politiken,.

Mahmoud Issa, juni 1996,“Håndbog mod terrorisme”, Weekend Avis.

Thesis and articles written on Lubya

Ulrik Høj Johnsen, 2006: ”Vi glemmer ikke Lubya, MA by, Aarhus Universitet, Danmark.

Shmuel Groag, 2006:  “On Conservation and Memory, Lubya- Palestinian Heritage Site in Israel, MA by, London School of Economics and Political Science: Culture and Society Program

Shmuel Groag:, 2011: “Lubya in Lavi Forest-On Conservation of the Palestinian Heritage in Israel.  In Memory, Denial and Structure of Space, an article on Lubya written by Groag Shmuel Yaacobi Hayim and Tovi Fenster editors, Van Leer institute, Jerusalem.

Bo Dahl Hermansen, 2010:  “Lubya: a demolished Palestinian village as lieu de mémoire; a paper presented by at the European Association of Biblical Studies, Thessaloniki, 8-11-2010.

Documentary Films on Lubya

  1. “Den Fædrene Jord“: DR, a Danish documentary film about my parents and myself visiting Lubya for the first time after 46 years in exile. Duration of the film 45 minutes, March 1995.

2.”The village Under the Forest”, a South African documentary film by Heidi Grunebaum and Marc Kaplan, built on my research on Lubya village, duration for one hour, 2014


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Documents, films, cultural articles, books on demolished Lubya village: history, identity and culture of Lubya village in Galilee, Palestine.

Lubya Village Museum - Galilee - Palestine متحف قرية لوبيه - الجليل - فلسطين