Lubya Village Museum – Galilee – Palestine متحف قرية لوبيه – الجليل – فلسطين
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Lubya Village – ارض الآباء – لوبيه
Museum online
Lubyans, after 76 years in exile: no choice other than RETURN
Lubya Rebuilt in 2021 by Palestinian Architects
مخطوطة لوبيه
مخطوطة لوبيه Lubya manus. in Arabic 1& 2 &3
Lubya photos 144 update
Ilan Pappe’s intro. critique to Lubya’s book
Lubya manus dec.2019
Comments on Lubya book at infomedia
Comment by lecturer Carsten Nørby Sørensen
Historical Documents
Resisting Oblivion-Canada’s periodical on refugees
Another doc. film on Lubya-Village under Forest
video of South African Jews apology to Lubyans
CNN report on Lubya’s apology event on 1st.of may
Heidi Grunebaum: acknowledging the Nakba
Other sites to Lubya: عربي-عبري-انجليزي
Dr. Hatim’s Necrophobia
Gideon Levy writing in Haaretz on Lubya event
CV Main Publications-pdf-2020
السيرة الذاتية
Danish CV pdf
CV-in Danish
السيره الذاتيه
Articles in Danish
Fra orientalisme til Islamisme
Palæstina-den forsvunde stat
Kvoter er vejen frem for kvinder
Det tilslørede Arabien
Arabiske kultur mellem modernitet og utopi
Murens demografi, fra Herzl til Herzlya
Hvad vil Palæstinensere
Kernen til Palæstina katastrof
Lektørudtalelse om Lubya bogen: Carsten Nørby Sørensen
Tiderneskifter om Bogen
Papers in English
My Article on “Oral History’s credibility, role and functionality from the Arab Islamic tradition to modern historiography”; in recent book “A new Critical Approach to the History of Palestine”, Routledge, London, 2019, PP 125-140.
My Article “Religion and Memory in exile: Character, Function and Role in Identity Construction , Lubyans in Denmark; a case study” in book “Diaspora & Identity- the case of Palestine”- Diyar Publisher, 2017, PP107-120.
Lubya-a microcosm of 600 other Palestinian demolished villages
Summary of project Palestine History & Heritage
Article en francais: Se souvenir de l’hiritage culturel des prisonniers-La lute pour le memoire des village demolire(11-12-2012)
lecture in Bethlehem: Dar al-Kalima College-Memory’s landscape revisited
On alRahib book: The bible through Palestinian eyes
South Africa & Palestine at Exeter Univ.
on Suad Amiry’s novel:Sharon & my mother in law
Orientalism and Theology´s role in silencing Palestine Historiography at TORS Univ.
Impressions on South Africa Visit
In memory of Edward Said: Oral History
A paper at Poland intern. research centre
Palestinian Identity in Denmark- Danish institute in Damascus
Three kinds of exile-Thesaloniki
(روايه)Novel in Arabic
Novel -رواية “موسم الثلج الحار” مع التعليقات
Abu Nael Comment
سليم نجار/تعليقات على الروايه
Khadija Habashni comment
مصداقية ودور وأهمية التاريخ الشفهي من هيرودوتس والتراث العربي الإسلامي الى التاريخ الحديث
Cover of Novel
Interview in Arabic: Oral History & Lubya-1hour & 6 minutes – 5th Nov 2021
Gallery 2
In Johansburg-SA
Article en francais: Se souvenir de l’hiritage culturel des prisonniers-La lute pour le memoire des village demolish(11-12-2012)
Fida’s Wedding 19.9.21
Fida Playing Beethoven
CNN report on Lubya’s apology event on 1st. of may
Wedding Video in Hittin in 1937 , a nearby village to Lubya.
Lubya demo 6,may 2014
Ancestral Land-Lubya Film
wordPress DK(Official)
Lubya in wikipedia
Interview on Oral History& Lubya
اهم الخرائط التي تتحدث عن التاريخ الشفوي الفلسطيني حيث يوجد مئات مقاطع فيديو بالمئات مرتبطة بمواقع متعدده على امتداد فلسطين , يتحدث فيها أناس كثر وكبار في السن عن بلداتهم وقراهم
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Danish CV pdf
Mahmoud Issa
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Documents, films, cultural articles, books on demolished Lubya village: history, identity and culture of Lubya village in Galilee, Palestine.
Lubya Village – ارض الآباء – لوبيه
Museum online
Lubyans, after 76 years in exile: no choice other than RETURN
Lubya Rebuilt in 2021 by Palestinian Architects
مخطوطة لوبيه
مخطوطة لوبيه Lubya manus. in Arabic 1& 2 &3
Lubya photos 144 update
Ilan Pappe’s intro. critique to Lubya’s book
Lubya manus dec.2019
Comments on Lubya book at infomedia
Comment by lecturer Carsten Nørby Sørensen
Historical Documents
Resisting Oblivion-Canada’s periodical on refugees
Another doc. film on Lubya-Village under Forest
video of South African Jews apology to Lubyans
CNN report on Lubya’s apology event on 1st.of may
Heidi Grunebaum: acknowledging the Nakba
Other sites to Lubya: عربي-عبري-انجليزي
Dr. Hatim’s Necrophobia
Gideon Levy writing in Haaretz on Lubya event
CV Main Publications-pdf-2020
السيرة الذاتية
Danish CV pdf
CV-in Danish
السيره الذاتيه
Articles in Danish
Fra orientalisme til Islamisme
Palæstina-den forsvunde stat
Kvoter er vejen frem for kvinder
Det tilslørede Arabien
Arabiske kultur mellem modernitet og utopi
Murens demografi, fra Herzl til Herzlya
Hvad vil Palæstinensere
Kernen til Palæstina katastrof
Lektørudtalelse om Lubya bogen: Carsten Nørby Sørensen
Tiderneskifter om Bogen
Papers in English
My Article on “Oral History’s credibility, role and functionality from the Arab Islamic tradition to modern historiography”; in recent book “A new Critical Approach to the History of Palestine”, Routledge, London, 2019, PP 125-140.
My Article “Religion and Memory in exile: Character, Function and Role in Identity Construction , Lubyans in Denmark; a case study” in book “Diaspora & Identity- the case of Palestine”- Diyar Publisher, 2017, PP107-120.
Lubya-a microcosm of 600 other Palestinian demolished villages
Summary of project Palestine History & Heritage
Article en francais: Se souvenir de l’hiritage culturel des prisonniers-La lute pour le memoire des village demolire(11-12-2012)
lecture in Bethlehem: Dar al-Kalima College-Memory’s landscape revisited
On alRahib book: The bible through Palestinian eyes
South Africa & Palestine at Exeter Univ.
on Suad Amiry’s novel:Sharon & my mother in law
Orientalism and Theology´s role in silencing Palestine Historiography at TORS Univ.
Impressions on South Africa Visit
In memory of Edward Said: Oral History
A paper at Poland intern. research centre
Palestinian Identity in Denmark- Danish institute in Damascus
Three kinds of exile-Thesaloniki
(روايه)Novel in Arabic
Novel -رواية “موسم الثلج الحار” مع التعليقات
Abu Nael Comment
سليم نجار/تعليقات على الروايه
Khadija Habashni comment
مصداقية ودور وأهمية التاريخ الشفهي من هيرودوتس والتراث العربي الإسلامي الى التاريخ الحديث
Cover of Novel
Interview in Arabic: Oral History & Lubya-1hour & 6 minutes – 5th Nov 2021
Gallery 2
In Johansburg-SA
Article en francais: Se souvenir de l’hiritage culturel des prisonniers-La lute pour le memoire des village demolish(11-12-2012)
Fida’s Wedding 19.9.21
Fida Playing Beethoven
CNN report on Lubya’s apology event on 1st. of may
Wedding Video in Hittin in 1937 , a nearby village to Lubya.
Lubya demo 6,may 2014
Ancestral Land-Lubya Film
wordPress DK(Official)
Lubya in wikipedia
Interview on Oral History& Lubya
اهم الخرائط التي تتحدث عن التاريخ الشفوي الفلسطيني حيث يوجد مئات مقاطع فيديو بالمئات مرتبطة بمواقع متعدده على امتداد فلسطين , يتحدث فيها أناس كثر وكبار في السن عن بلداتهم وقراهم
Lubya Village Museum - Galilee - Palestine متحف قرية لوبيه - الجليل - فلسطين