35 Palestinian Researchers met to review Palestine History & Archeology 18-19 march 2023

  Our international project on Palestine History & Heritage Project (PaHH) at Copenhagen Univ. theological department started in 2014, based on what is known as “Copenhagen School” & their critical approach to the biblical narrative, mainly Niels Peter, Thomas Thompson, Keith Whitelam & other prominent Historiens and Archeologists.  (https://teol.ku.dk/english/dept/the-palestine-history-and-heritage-curriculum-project/)

A series of conferences and seminars took place in Copenhagen, London, & Palestine, with the participation of around 40 scholars from different international universities.  The book “A new Critical Approach to the History of Palestine” was published in 2019, as a first step towards our intended goal that should cover the critical history of Palestine from Stone Age until Nowadays.  

On march 2023;  The Palestine Research Centre hosted 35 Palestinian Researchers  to review Palestine History & Archeology, under the slogan  “Palestinians Themselves Write Their Own History”تاريخفلسطينيكتببأيديفلسطينية . This conference is a huge step forward that fills a historical gap in reviewing & documenting  Palestine History, based on research & science; especially when Western Main Stream Media & Academic Institutes still trying hard to falsify and negate the existence of the People of Palestine & and its rich & continual presence for a million of years ago, as Palestinian experts: Hamdan Taha, Isa Saree, Hani Nur, Mohammad Mraqtin, Isam Halayqa, Muawiya Ibrahim – only to mention a few – have shown.     

(NB) My contribution was a lecture: “Oral History & the Lively Memory of Lubya” -will be published later by the Research Centre.

اختتام فعاليات المؤتمر السنوي لمركز الأبحاث التابع لمنظمة التحرير الفلسطينية، “تاريخ وآثار فلسطين – مراجعة نقدية” والذي عقد لمدة يومين تحت رعاية السيد الرئيس محمود عباس وتوجيهات دولة رئيس الوزراء د. محمد اشتية، بمشاركة 35 باحثًا يمثلون عددًا كبيرًا من المؤسسات والجامعات الفلسطينية.
يأتي هذا المؤتمر في إطار مشروع كتابة تاريخ فلسطين، لعرض نتائج الأبحاث حول تاريخ فلسطين من بداية العصر الحجري حتى الوقت الحاضر وهو مشروع بحثي علمي متعدد الأبعاد وقاطع للتخصصات ينطلق من تعميق الدور المحلي المغيب في كتابة تاريخ فلسطين.


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