A comment on “Three Worlds-Memoirs of an Arab Jew”, Avi Shlaim, 2023

Reading the “Three Worlds” of Avi Shlaim is a necessity right now to understand the roots of the problem, involving the terrible info about the Jewish community mainly in Iraq, and how the community, 150,000, that has a history of 2000 years in the Arab World  disappeared in less than 2000 hours. The three worlds of Shlaim in Iraq, Israel and Britain are the three spheres where  Avi was born, lived and educated. The book ended with an epilogue that reflected his belief in a One State solution  where people of all faith can share the same democratic and human rights without discrimination and prejudice. Although he realizes that this solution is embraced by minority right now, it is for him  the only way to get rid of the permanent wars that dominate Palestine in the past 76 years. Interesting book especially that Avi disclosed the names of those people who planted explosives in the synagogues and streets where Iraqi Jews used to frequent; information built not only on archival material, but on interviews with an Israeli in his nineties, confessing to him the names of the perpetrators of those  events that took place  in Bagdad to oblige Iraqi Jews to flee to the new hebrew born state. A strong memorial and historic document by an engaged historian, who together with Ilan Pappe and Benny Morris launched what is known as revisionist historians. The last mentioned took an extreme view lately when he blamed Ben Gorion that he didn’t finish  the job of expelling the rest of the Palestinians in 1948. I shared once a platform with Avi on the question of the Right of Return to Palestinians Refugees,  in London. That time I didn’t know the origins of Avi as an Iraqi Jew , although I read earlier for him two illuminating  books: “Collusion Across the  Jordan: King Abdulla, the Zionist Movement and the Partition of Palestine”,  & “the Iron Wall: Israel and the Arab World”. Avi’s books are revealing and well documented about the roots of the Palestinian problem.- I would strongly recommend Avi’s books to those who want to know not only how the Nakba in 1948 took place, where 2/3 of the Palestinians were uprooted from their homes , but also why the ethnic cleansing & the “Plausible” Genocide, according to the ICJ, that is taking place nowadays in Palestine, mainly in Gaza.  

One thought on “A comment on “Three Worlds-Memoirs of an Arab Jew”, Avi Shlaim, 2023”

  1. Thank you for sharing this compelling reflection on Avi Shlaim’s work. His detailed exploration of the intertwined histories of Iraq, Israel, and Britain offers invaluable insight into the complex roots of the current conflicts. Shlaim’s perspective, especially his advocacy for a one-state solution, is particularly thought-provoking in today’s context. It’s crucial to engage with such thorough and revisionist accounts to fully understand the deeply rooted issues that continue to shape the region.

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